Mad Hatter has a few difficulties coping with how people have changed, post-canon.
“You are not fit to carry the weight of Pride,” hir lord said, evenly. “You have none. Not really.”
Mad Hatter has a few difficulties coping with how people have changed, post-canon.
“You are not fit to carry the weight of Pride,” hir lord said, evenly. “You have none. Not really.”
The world is changing for everyone, and everyone has to find some way to deal with it.
“The land is… refracting. Structures are appearing that aren’t quite like anything ever created in either Heaven or Hell, and they seem remarkably resistant to being changed. I don’t know who first started calling the new area Abe, but it’s very fitting. The land grows like a living thing.”
The world is changing for everyone, and everyone has to find some way to deal with it.
Lucifer’s eyes were hooded. “I am very dedicated to a stable world for all of us, but I’m doing it out of spite towards the dead. I’m not going to kill you off with unwarranted optimism.”
Those who are left forge connections along with their new world.
“Remind me again why we’re bothering to talk to anyone else about this little project of yours?” Arariel asked as she strode back to him.
Belial and Kanzeon have tea.
Belial took another sip of hir tea and aimed a glittering smile at the being across the table. "So. We’ve caught up on gossip, traded fashion tips, and one has flattered your latest blend. Don’t you think it’s time we got around to business?"
Mad Hatter visits Yukimura in the hospital.
An individual of duller perception might have assumed se was seeking younger patients to entertain. A fool might have lashed out in a misguided effort to drive hir away.
It was not Seiichi’s judgment that was numb, and no one could call him a fool.
Mad Hatter and Yukimura start to get acquainted.
"Experimental surgery, hm?" he asked without turning away from the window.
"One could just snap one’s fingers." Hatter’s breath was warm against the back of his neck. "One gets the impression from your other visitors that a miraculous recovery would be only what’s expected from you."
Belial introduces hirself to Rikkai.
Masaharu nudged his partner. "Who’s that?" he asked, nodding at the slight, lean figure in black lounging against the fence. Yagyuu finished a swallow of much needed water and raised a brow.
"I think that’s Yukimura-san’s visitor. The one from the hospital that no one ever quite managed to meet."
Sanada and Belial talk about Seiichi.
"What do you want with Seiichi?" Genichirou asked, bluntly.
"His soul," Hatter answered.
Genichirou reminded himself, strenuously, of Renji’s caution that he wouldn’t get anywhere with Hatter unless he could keep his temper. He told himself it was just like dealing with Niou in a really bad mood.
Possible answers about Kirihara’s proclivities.
Niou’s eyes narrowed. “So,” he drawled, “it’s one of yours that makes him do that thing with the red eyes and the violence?”
Kurai is depressed and Hatter is curious.
It was the Witch’s shattered realm that eventually drew her—with all its psychic pain and loneliness like a blackened mirror for her own.
Lucifer visits Rikkai.
Renji, along with the rest of the team, was starting to get used to Mad Hatter’selusive, mocking presence among them. He supposed he should have knownthat would be the signal for a fresh turn into strangeness.
Lucifer passes through Seigaku and Hatter spots Fuji.
When the Lord of Hell and what had to be his strongest supporter appearedat the courts, Kunimitsu took a prompt and firm hold of Fuji’s arm.
Belial chats with Sakaki, who turns out to be an old ‘friend’.
Sakaki Tarou paused on his way across the grounds of Rikkai Dai to visit his contemporaries on staff, and watched the junior high tennis team practicing. This team was always worth watching, but this time something specific caught his attention. Something about them had changed, since the last time he’d observed these players. It was most notable in Yukimura-kun, and Tarou sighed faintly as he contemplated the inherent disorder of what he was seeing.
"Taken," a light voice stated next to his ear.
A Belial and Fuji moment.
Shuusuke took a precautionary step backwards. "Is there any particular reason I should ignore a friend’s warning in order to talk with you?"
Yukimura decides how to deal with Belial.
"You know," Belial observed, voice a little husky, "this is one of the things mortals and celestials really aren’t supposed to do."
"I’ve already sold my soul to a demon," Seiichi noted, dryly, against Belial’s collar bone. "Breaking another rule is supposed to concern me, why?"
Belial introduces the Fujis to the Mudous.
Notes: Contains consensual sibling incest.
Yuuta sighed, resigned, and then had to take a second look at the person who had hailed his brother. He didn’t think he’d ever seen anyone dressed quite that flamboyantly outside a festival. Or, possibly, a circus. He was busy enough looking at the top hat that it took him a few moments to notice that his brother had paused beside the strange person, and was now standing on Yuuta’s other side.
Between him and the strangers. Yuuta took a closer look.
Yanagi talks with Belial.
It had been a long practice, and only got longer when Hatter decided to tease Genichirou. Renji sighed.
Somewhat troubled, Belial seeks out Yukimura.
Belial took a few steps out of the shadow, not far enough to show hir face. Apparently, it was still too many, because Seiichi stood, frowning, and came to hir.
Belial talks to Rikkai about the past.
"One is not kind," she said, very precisely, without looking around. "Nor benign. One has corrupted lives and souls and cities. Most recently, one provoked the Host to attack an ally and caused the destruction of Kurai’s kingdom and people. One led Kurai herself into a marriage that would have sacrificed her life, by lying to her at nearly every turn. You should remember this."
Sanada and Belial spar a bit, verbally and otherwise.
Genichirou had known it was dangerous to invite Hatter to spar with edged weapons. He had, however, been confident that Hatter wouldn’t kill him, or even significantly damage him. He didn’t normally like the idea of handicaps, but in the case of a demon he’d take it.
He was coming to the irritated realization that, even restraining himself, Hatter was fast enough to touch him.
Belial gets a tennis team.
"Absolutely no interfering in the games in any way, shape or form, or the whole deal’s off," Sanada declared, firmly.
Belial leaned hir chin in hir hand. "Doesn’t that conflict with the clause about injury-proofing, though?"
The seal of the contract.
Seiichi remembered when Belial had set the seal of their contract.
Some embarrassment over the seal.
Genichirou, Renji noted, seemed unwilling to look anybody in the face—no, that wasn’t strictly accurate. There were specific people he wasn’t looking in the face, and all of them had just signed the same contract.
Rikkai encounters shinigami at Nationals.
The day was clear and hot, good weather for their first match at Nationals. Renji supposed it was cosmic parity for something else to go wrong. He sighed when he saw Hatter’s eyes brighten, as the team made their way toward their assigned court. What had caught her attention this time? He looked in the direction she was starting to edge in and suppressed the urge to put a hand to his forehead. Of all the people for Hatter to decide to tease, of course it would have to be Fuji Yuuta, and, by extension, Fuji Shuusuke.
Michael taunts Belial about winning and Lucifer gets involved.
"Hah!" Michael took his opportunity, as the teams filtered past each other on the way out of the stadium, to taunt Mad Hatter. "Told you we’d kick your asses."
Kirihara has a problem with spillover.
No one had told him that he was signing up for this.
Mad Hatter tempts Ohtori and tweaks Sakaki’s nose.
Someone had claimed the practice room ahead of him; the plaintive notes of a violin filtered dimly through the closed door, flaunting his reserved 5:15 to 6:15 slot in Ohtori Choutarou’s face.
Yukimura meets his new magic teacher and said teacher’s housemate.
"So, tell me about these people."
It wasn’t really that Seiichi didn’t trust Belial. He did. He just also had a lively respect for his demon’s sense of humor.
If the seal broadcasts sensation…
"Niou," Sanada said, carefully, "are you really suggesting an… orgy?"
Kirihara in Hell.
"You… you… you ate Tash!" Jadis declared, pointing a shaking finger at Akaya. Or, possibly, at the cloud of smoke in front of him that had, until very recently, been one of Jadis’ inferior demons.
Sanada gets enspelled and everyone gets a surprise.
Belial really couldn’t help but find it entertaining that Genichirou complained about Hell’s demons not being serious enough in their work.
"I mean, really," Genichirou was currently holding forth, "this is ridiculous, what am I doing here? I’m in the wrong story!"
Alexiel finally returns, to the interest of all and apprehension of some—particularly Lucifer.
Belial’s estimation of Alexiel rose. Maybe this would fail to be a catastrophe after all.
Alexiel has a talk with Hatter. Hatter is unexpectedly drawn in. Shameless wingfic.
"Hatter! I hadn’t realized anyone was in here."
Belial tried not to grind hir teeth. "One was just finishing," se said, stepping up out of the water. "Don’t let one interrupt you."
"Not at all." Alexiel slid into the water with a pleased sigh. "It can be nice to have company."
Belial made a noncommittal noise, wondering a bit grumpily how Alexiel had retained Setsuna’s obliviousness.