Hiruma considers the things he’s gotten from his friends.
He’s never been a sensualist or any kind of aesthete.
Hiruma considers the things he’s gotten from his friends.
He’s never been a sensualist or any kind of aesthete.
Hiruma considers Mamori.
This was how he put it to himself:
Anezaki Mamori understood the need to fight for what you wanted and cared about.
Hiruma and Mamori play with guns.
The telling point, she felt, was that, however enticing the idea of things that went bang and whoosh and crackle were, she didn’t really want to shoot Hiruma himself. If she were being corrupted by his wild, thoughtless attitude she would, wouldn’t she? No one annoyed her as much as he did, after all.
Crossover with Gundam Wing. Hiruma and Heero have a Spandex Space contest. Duo has an Idea. The world is in trouble now.
Heero was having a little trouble with the combination of “blackmail” and “ball game club”. They didn’t seem like they should go together
Set some time after the Semifinals match with Oujo and before the Christmas Bowl. Hiruma promises Takami he’ll keep winning. With sex.
Hiruma had to bend his head back and pull Takami down to kiss him. That was all right. It was the ferocity of Takami’s grip on his hips that mattered.
Hiruma reflects on his team.
Hiruma takes entertainment from life however it comes.
Shin offers Sena some help, and gets back a bit more than he bargained for. Or possibly a bit less.
He tried again to think calming thoughts, like training and football technique, and found himself thinking of new tackles he might try on Sena.
That wasn’t helping.
After it’s over, Hiruma tries again to convince Kid of the value of wanting things. Written for Porn Battle, with the prompt: Hiruma/Kid, dreams.
Hiruma pushed away from the wall and glared. "It works if you fucking stay with it. Are you going to spend your whole life half-assed?"
Kid looked away.
Hiruma’s growl didn’t surprise him, but the hand in his hair did, pulling him around and down to meet Hiruma’s mouth on his.
Shin and Sena have a roll in the grass, both literally and figuratively. Written for Porn Battle, with the prompts: Shin/Sena – the smell of fresh grass and Shin/Sena, size differences.
Shin-san paused. "Sena?" His hand stopped and spread out against Sena’s stomach. "Do you want me to?"
Sena blushed hotly. Shin-san just out and said things like that! Sena cleared his throat and murmured, "Um. Yes?"
Post-series (probably) Juumonji considers the fix he’s gotten himself into. Written for the Porn Battle prompt: Eyeshield 21, Juumonji/Sena, protective.
It was ridiculous. It was absurd. Six months on the same team, no matter what kind of hell they’d gone through together, should not be able to wash away over two years of bullying. But there it was.
He’d gotten used to protecting Sena.