Arc: Fudoumine

Ebook cover for the arc

The stories focusing on Fudoumine and Angel Sanctuary’s Michael.

Unexpected Visitors

Michael encounters Setsuna at Fudoumine. Drama with Humor, I-2

“I thought all of you left,” Setsuna continued. Despite his words, he was smiling easily, standing in his favorite slouched position. “So what’s up with you being here?”

“Belial is playing with souls, and I don’t want him to get a lot,” Michael replied shortly.


Michael’s offer to Fudoumine. Drama with Humor, I-2

The guy he was here to visit, Tachibana, seemed as pleased by the news as anything else. “So,” he said. “Yukimura will be playing at Nationals.” He practically glowed with anticipation.

“Yep,” Michael said.

“And you’re here because…?” the girl asked, eyes sharp.