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Drown in your Blue Sea

Soubi’s pov when Seimei first claims him. Drama with Creepiness, I-5, spoilers vol. 8

Warning: Contains mutilation and very questionable consent.

Soubi was very confused. He had expected to be Sensei’s Fighter. What else had he been trained for?

This, apparently.

He listened as his Sacrifice spoke of butterflies, breath catching at the slow rip of the knife through his shirt. Reborn? Did his Sacrifice want him to become… something else?

He would do whatever his Sacrifice said, of course. That was the only way he could be a true Fighter. Sensei had taught him that. He figured it was even more important for a blank Fighter like him.

"Would you like it to hurt? Or would you rather it not hurt?"

Soubi groped for an answer. His Sacrifice’s eyes crinkled a bit, warmed.

"I think you would like it more if it hurt."

Was that what his Sacrifice wanted him to become? All right.

"Pain," Soubi murmured and tipped his head back for the point of Seimei’s knife to write his new name. "I want it to hurt. I like pain."




A/N: Raserei Hojo’s translation of this scene dialogue was used. Many thanks.

Last Modified: Jun 26, 09
Posted: Feb 14, 08
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    1. Icon for BranchBranch Post author

      He really, extremely is. But I needed the creepy moment to pre-condition latter fluff. So at least Soubi gets all the love he can take and then some later. *pets him too*

  1. mayuzu@livejournal

    I like Seimei x Soubi pairing ^_^
    Seeing how total masochist Soubi is, I think Seimei suits him best.
    Hoping to find more Seimei x Soubi coz I don’t really like the idea of Soubi with elementary boy…

    1. Icon for BranchBranch Post author

      Glad you liked it!

      *rueful* I actually hate Seimei really a lot, but this was necessary for the arc, so there it was.

  2. Cuddy

    I never came past the very beginnig of this story. Shame on me.
    That was very interesting to read. I remember Soubi, he seemed to be a very devoted person to me. A little self destructive with that too, maybe. That he wants to become pain though… o_O That’s a little disturbing to think.
    *leaves kudos*

      1. Branch Post author

        *wry* Loveless is a fairly disturbing story, really. This was just my attempt to make a happy ending out of the trainwreck.
