My Dear Most Honored and Respected Elder Brothers Who Almost Got Me Killed,
I write to you to urge greater caution, in the future, when planning expeditions like the one you sent me on a few years ago. I have recently come into possession of proof that, had the trip been completed, you would have had one less little brother.
And then who would have taken care of Ryuuren, when he bothers to visit?
Shuuei considered his opening and nodded. Guilt and threat in equal measures; his family would appreciate it.
This would likely have been even more speedily true had I attempted to deliver the expedition’s goods while the subject of the transaction was still in the initial circumstances that occasioned the journey.
Shuuei paused again and ran that over in his mind a few times. It seemed sufficiently vague and confusing to be safe—at least, as safe as it ever could be, admitting to having tried to kill the now-heir-apparent. And if it ever did come to the Prince’s attention, well, all Shuuei had to do was point out that it had been done for Ryuuki’s sake, and he probably wouldn’t die.
In short, even I couldn’t have done it. This has, of course, turned out to be a felicitous fact in the end, but I felt you deserved to be in possession of all the facts so that the next clan decision is less potentially catastrophic.
Know that you have, as always, all my regard.
Ran Shuuei
Shuuei stowed the scroll for travel and tied its box firmly. He would give it to the couriers that evening, he thought.
It was always good to let his family know he was still doing well.
*squees over fic*
Most favorite part is where Shuuei thought that if he pointed out that what he did was for Ryuuki’s sake, Seien probably wouldn’t kill him (noticing that there was no mention of pain and suffering…)
Yeah, I think Shuuei’s smart enough to know he’d be stuck with the pain and suffering. *snerks*
I so /very/ much want more canon of the Ran clan.
Ahhhh, what a lovely piece of Ran-snark. *purrs*
*grins* Shuuei is fun when he’s snarky. He’s so backhanded about it.
Huge amounts of awesome! Yesyesyes. Oh how I love snark, and Shuuei is in fine form here. If the rest of the Ran clan is the same I very much look forward to future occasions when you write them.
I’m somewhat confused by exactly what Shuuei’s saying, though– part of his purpose, I’m sure, but. Is Shuuei saying that he was initially sent to kill Seien? And how exactly was it for Ryuuki’s sake? I feel like there’s more to this than I understand and am perishing of curiosity.
*hearts* Thank you! I dearly love Shuuei-snark; it really does seem to be a Ran specialty.
The idea is that, after Seien was exiled, Ran could no longer support him as Emperor. So, for the sake of a stable throne, it would be best if he were actually eliminated to leave Ryuuki free and clear. I /think/ this is actually novel canon, but I don’t remember which of my pile of Kage’s posts I got that out of; it might have been the comments. ^_^;
What I know is my personal suspicion is that the way Ran kept from having any of their leaders assassinated by the old Emperor while he was breaking the great families’ power, was by devoting themselves to the good of the kingdom and throne. And that this is why they supported first Seien and then Ryuuki.
Ah, that’s quite interesting. I don’t recall that part from any of the posts, but I’ll have to run through them all and check again. Not a detail that I want to miss: I always thought that Shuuei trying to track down Seien was in order to keep an eye on him in case circumstances required his return. Since he was the most promising of the princes, and no one had ever paid attention to Ryuuki before Shou discovered him and raised him into place.
The Ran family seems to have kept their noses out of politics, I recall that being mentioned. I do heartily wonder what they’ve been up to instead . . . maybe they stuck with the military (which could be part of the reason for Shuuei’s change in career paths), or went into commerce? I recall it being said that if Ryuuki had showed his abilities earlier then the crown would have gotten an official out of the Ran clan (in other words, Shuuei), and I got the impression that it would have been a Good Thing. But no one said specifically why . . .
I’m inclined to think that Shou left Seiran with the Kous exactly because Seiran never made any attempt to return or contact even Ryuuki; not the action of someone who has on overriding concern for the country, I suppose.
I’m getting really curious about the Ran, you know. Because it is mentioned that Ryuuren’s peculiarities mean than his older brothers can avoid political entanglements… but that’s not exactly the same as staying out of politics, which was my first thought. And in the novel continuity, Ran is getting into politics with a vengeance. And I do remember one of Kage’s summaries dealing with the fact that Shuuei was sent to train up as an official for Seien, to support him, and was only diverted from that after Seien’s exile. So it makes me wonder just what the clan’s long-term plans /are/. *puzzles at it*
Seiran’s never had any personal ambition, it’s true: something I think you dealt with this admirably in the AU, so that he decided to pursue the throne of his own volition (actually, it’s somewhat amusing how closely your thinking has followed mine and
majochan‘s thus far, as you will see in future updates 😉 ). Pride Seiran certainly has, and a great deal of it, but everything seems to be personal with him.
I’m infinitely curious about the Ran family, since they’re a lurking presence but seldom directly in sight. They are coming increasingly into play, though, especially considering what’s been forecast for the next novel (and yes, I’m buying it as soon as it comes out, just for the pictures). Getting Shuuei to maneuver a possible hook for Ryuuki into place and possibly setting an acquisitive eye towards Shuurei and her Kou family connections, they’re moving and with a vengeance. I can’t wait to see what comes of it . . .
I was under the impression that Shouka went to find Seiran under the orders of the previous Emperor, not Shou. As a matter of fact, I was under the impression that Shouka took orders only from the previous Emperor and no one else.
I always thought that Shuuei trying to track down Seien was in order to keep an eye on him in case circumstances required his return.
Actually, didn’t Shuuei himself said that the reason they tried to find Seien was to make sure that no other clan will try to use him by putting him back into power and thus gaining power for said clan? I’m sure this is anime-canon at the very least.
Well, it’s certainly true that Shouka originally went to find Seiran due to the previous Emperor’s order. However, Shou knew about it, and didn’t make any attempt to bring Seien back to the palace later on, even when it seemed that none of the other princes were worthy of becoming the heir.
I don’t recall the exact reason Shuuei gave for why he tried to track down Seien, though, will have to rewatch to see if it’s as you say. 🙂
*wry* Yeah, given that it’s Shou, I hesitate to imagine he didn’t know that Shouka had been sent. Especially since, during the whole go-round with Shuurei being poisoned/kidnapped at the start, Shouka says something specifically about Shou being the only person /besides/ the Emperor with the right to command the Wolves, and implies he’s taken Shou’s orders in the past himself.
Ah, that does sound familiar! Definitely anime canon, I think.
I’m reading your stories for quite some time now, but didn’t leave a commment. Until now, lol. Your stories are great! Thanks for posting them!
Thank you; it’s great to know you’ve liked them!
LOL! I love the salutation! That was just… [beaming grin]
Oh, wait–I forgot to finish reading. !.!
[blinks] Shuuei tried to kill… Ryuuki? Or was supposed to? [blinks] or is he referring to his impromptu match with Seiran? >.< All the Ran brothers must be very interesting conversationalists if the two youngest are any indication.
Thank you!
No, Shuuei was sent after Seien, “to keep him from being used by anyone” during the succession struggles; my speculation on this is that he was sent to kill Seien, so that Ryuuki would have an untrammeled path to the throne after it all.
Ran politics ftmfw. I love using having to spend time with Ryuuren as a threat, and Shuuei managing to be so polite and so pissy at the same time. Also? all Shuuei had to do was point out that it had been done for Ryuuki’s sake, and he probably wouldn’t die. Lol. Probably.
*giggling* I think Shuuei likes to tweak his family.
And for serious. He’d better hope he has time to say it if Seien ever does find out!
ahahaha. Shuuei, you dork! Okay, so Seien probably won’t kill you if its for Ryuuki, but your life wouldn’t be terribly comfortable either. And the wonderful little glimpse into the currents of politics in Saiunkoku! they’d be undercurrents, except there’s nothing under about them aside from needful subtlety – all the players know that moves are being made, even if they don’t know what they are.
*grins* I really love Shuuei’s interaction with Seiran. Seiran is so snippy with him. Which, of course, probably told us right there that Shuuei knew something about who Seiran was, that he went ahead and dropped his ‘house retainer’ mask.