When Akaya found himself wandering down the hall where Suzuoki’s office was, he knew it was going to be bad. He stood and stared at the door he really hadn’t intentionally moved toward at any time that afternoon, finally giving in and thumping his head against it a few times.
“Come in,” Suzuoki called in dry invitation.
Akaya toed the door open and leaned in the frame. “Have I forgotten anything?” he asked, unable to keep the plaintive note out of his voice.
Suzuoki eyed him with sardonic amusement. “Hard time letting go, hm?”
“It’s not that!” Akaya protested. “It just feels like there must be something I forgot, or something I have to do.” He trailed off and crossed his arms, frowning at the tile floor.
“There isn’t and you don’t,” Suzuoki told him bluntly. The twist of his mouth spoke of sympathy as well as amusement, though. “It’s going to be uncomfortable for a while, Kirihara-kun. But this is a good time to start learning from Yukimura-kun’s example again, and trust that Niiyama-kun will do well by the team.”
Akaya grumbled under his breath as he stalked out of the building and across the school grounds. He knew all that, it just felt all wrong, and… His thoughts slid into silence as he noticed who was leaning against the gates.
Yukimura-san looked up and smiled. “Akaya.” He pushed off from the wall and fell into step beside Akaya, who stole tiny glances from the corner of his eye, wondering.
“I thought you might be feeling a little dazed today,” Yukimura-san said, at last.
“It’s just weird not to be so busy anymore,” Akaya muttered.
“That, too,” Yukimura-san agreed, quietly.
After a few more minutes of walking in silence, Akaya sighed. “It’s hard. To just stop.”
A rueful chuckle answered him. “It nearly drove me crazy, last year,” Yukimura-san agreed. “Do you trust the one you’ve left behind?”
Akaya stuffed his hands into his pockets, slightly grumpy again. “Of course I do.” He’d made as sure as he could that Niiyama was ready, after all.
“Well, it won’t stop you worrying,” Yukimura-san told him in a factual tone, “but it will stop you from going completely insane. As long as you remember it.” He gave Akaya a fond smile. “I speak from experience.”
Akaya almost missed his next step and felt his face heat.
“I’ll be glad when you’re back with us, next year,” Yukimura-san finished, tactfully looking straight ahead, though the corners of his mouth tweaked up.
Akaya didn’t answer but he did feel, as they walked along, a little less as though he had run into a brick wall this week. He tucked his hands into his pockets.
“So how are the classes in the High School, Yukimura-san?”
You know… it occurred to me last night as I was thinking over this series… Kirihara went from practically orgy-country with Sanada to… um… well, what the heck has he been doing for the last half a year? o.o At least there’s only half a year more to go, but… {groans} I think Fall has to be the worse. It’s long, and even though the teachers start prepping for Exams, Exams seem so far away, all the way off in February and March, you know?
well, score another point for Yukimura. He really is such a wonderfully possessive person. I wonder if Kirihara will start showing up occassionally at the high school practices…
*rubs forehead* Oh, man, don’t remind me. The elf-brat has been moderately pissed off over that very fact, lately.
*grins* But, yeah, Sei-san wants his own back.
{laughs} I’m sure (somehow) he kept himself so busy and his mind occupied with other things that the only time he even *thought* about skrumping or getting some was while bathing… or getting ready for bed… or trying to go to sleep… or waking up… or eating breakfast… or going to school… or sitting in some boring class while some boring teacher lectured one… or while eating lunch… or while at tennis practice… or while on the way home from school, or while watching TV or—
well, he *is* a teenage boy. ^__^ I’m convinced that they’re just as bad as twenty+ year old females… Okay, maybe the girls *are* worse…
Looking forward to reading more!
[purring] Ah, so lovely!
Kirihara is so adorable when Yukimura’s blindsided him. [amused]
*chuckles* Isn’t he, though?
Cute Kirihara!!! And I love a possessive Yukimura! Well, I can’t wait for the next chapter! See you soon! (…sorry I don’t comment much…)
Thank you! Yep, poor kid’s got to study for exams now. And fidget; his study partners are going to kill him.
Yay!!! ^_____^
Ah, and Niiyama gets to suffer with Suzuoki while Kirihara gets to go off and join his senpai in high school. Seems like an unfair deal, doesn’t it, Niiyama? *grins at him*
*gales of wicked laughter* Well, now, we’ll just have to see about that.
Soadorable. *huggles Kiri-chan* And EEEE, Sei-nii! *hearts*
*furtively looks around for, er, someone* Ehehe.
*snuggles* Something fluffy seemed good to introduce the next season with. ^_^
Heehee… and now Yukimura can legitimately grab Kirihara back.
Loved Kirihara introducing himself by banging his head on the door instead of knocking.
*snickers* Yep!
*grins* I figured Kirihara must feel kind of like one does at the end of a theater run–why do I have all this time? Something must be wrong!
Thank you!
A whole year and he’s still looking out for Akaya? Yukimura’s not exactly good at letting go, is he?
Then again, he wouldn’t be the leader he is if he didn’t care so much. It’s part and parcel of his brilliance.
*twitches* You realise you have us all impatient for the tearful reunion, now….
*laughing* No, he certainly is not any good at it!
Erm. Well, there will be a reunion, in fact it’s mostly written. Only there’s a winter worth of other stuff that comes first. Hm. Maybe some mini-reunion moments here and there…
Just… awwsquee. >w
*beams* Thank you!
Pretty. really. and Kirihara is so cute when frustrated. *and I know the sentiment. End of exam seasons feels like that. Why do we have so much time? Something must be wrong! and then we all fret unncessarily and invent wrong things to worry about to satisfy ourselves.*
…. Yukimura’s not good at letting go, is he. *then again, I wouldn’t want to let go of such shiny players either.*
Thank you. *grins* Yeah, the poor kid is headed for a load of exam stress, too.